Learning Punch® Series - Training, Tools & Tutorials for V24
Windows Edition
Limited time pricing: $39.99
- This eBook contains all the necessary elements to learn and master the Punch! Software® programs V24 for Windows. This eBook is a complete resource, no matter your learning style. You have different options: you can read the entire book cover to cover in order to have the most comprehensive and complete training to learn the programs, not only by following themed tutorials and guides, but by understanding how the program thinks (Understanding the Walls, Understanding the Elevations, etc.); or, if you prefer, you can search by subject or by issue depending on the topic you need help with.
- NEW eBook layout and features: this new edition contains 680 pages and more than 2000 color images (showing the new features, tutorials, screen guides, tables, examples, rendering results and screenshots as well as the updates), covering exclusively the new Punch! Software Version 24 for Windows. Topics and tools are linked on the screen using more than 2700 hyperlinks.
- Punchhelpers Buddy, an advanced helping resource (PDF integrated) that allows you to ask questions while you are in the eBook! You can ask for the desired word(s) or topic / concept: Punchhelpers Buddy is always ready to help you with the answer.
- NEW: Discover all the tools and techniques to create the best rendered images using the rendering engine and tools as well as the new Rendering Batch feature.
- Move the slider in the images below to see the difference between Photo-Realistic Rendering (left) and 3D Rendering (right).
- NEW: learn how to use the new Topography Spray Tools.
- NEW: save time and organize your project using Design Templates as well as the new Plans and Subplans feature.
- NEW: Use and combine light and 3D effects for different surfaces and view the images for day and night results.
- NEW AND IMPROVED: As always, we cover all the topics and tools included in the program as well as more than 100 step by step tips, guides and tutorials, covering the most requested topics, including “360° Cube Map “, “How to Landscape a Picture”, “How to Create a Split-Level House”, “How to create a Walkout Basement”, “How to Print plans and elevations” and more.
- FREE GIFT: A sample collection of Pat’s Kitchen Templates Collection, ready to install and use
With Learning Punch!® Software: Training, Tools & Tutorials by Patricia Gamburgo, you will easily master Punch!® Software in a fun way!
If you wish to learn more, check out our eBook presentation!