Version 2017 eBooks for Windows - Punchhelpers

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TurboFloorPlan ® Version 2017 Training and Tutorials
Windows Edition
This new eBook includes 360 pages and more than 1000 images dedicated to all the topics and tutorials exclusively for the Version 2017 programs for Windows.

- NEW: a new feature in Pat’s eBooks: the Screen Guides.  Browse through images of the most important screens of your program, then click on the desired feature and you will be directed to the exact topic in the eBook!
- NEW: learn how to create your own textures with the new Material Editor.

- NEW: add automatic Shutters to your windows.

- NEW:  explore how to use the 3D features to create Elevations and Renderings.

- NEW: how to create and use the libraries and the new Plant Symbol Library.

- NEW: create cross sections of your project using the new 3D Cutaway Tool.

- NEW and current features examined with updated images reflecting the updated User's Interface and Preferences

- NEW:  how to use the new features such as Doors, Dormers Walls, and much more.
If you wish to learn more, check out our  eBook presentation!
Copyright Patricia Gamburgo 2002-2025
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